
Methods are actions done by Flickity instances.

With jQuery, methods follow the jQuery UI pattern $carousel.flickity( 'methodName' /*, arguments */ ).

var $carousel = $('.carousel').flickity()
  .flickity( 'select', 4 );

jQuery chaining is broken by methods that return values: getCellElements, on, off.

Vanilla JavaScript methods look like flickity.methodName( /* arguments */ ). Unlike jQuery methods, they cannot be chained together.

// vanilla JS
var flkty = new Flickity('.carousel');
flkty.select( 3 );

Selecting cells


Select a cell.

// jQuery
$carousel.flickity( 'select', index, isWrapped, isInstant )
// vanilla JS
flkty.select( index, isWrapped, isInstant )

index Integer Zero-based index of the cell to select.

isWrapped Boolean Optional. If true, the last cell will be selected if at the first cell.

isInstant Boolean If true, immediately view the selected cell without animation.

$('.button-group').on( 'click', '.button', function() {
  var index = $(this).index();
  $carousel.flickity( 'select', index );

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// select cell instantly, without animation
$('.button-group').on( 'click', '.button', function() {
  var index = $(this).index();
  $carousel.flickity( 'select', index, false, true );

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Select the previous cell.

// jQuery
$carousel.flickity( 'previous', isWrapped )
// vanilla JS
flkty.previous( isWrapped )

isWrapped Boolean Optional. If true, the last cell will be selected if at the first cell.

// previous
$('.button--previous').on( 'click', function() {
// previous wrapped
$('.button--previous-wrapped').on( 'click', function() {
  $carousel.flickity( 'previous', true );

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Select the next cell.

// jQuery
$carousel.flickity( 'next', isWrapped )
// vanilla JS
flkty.next( isWrapped )

isWrapped Boolean Optional. If true, the first cell will be selected if at the last cell.

// next
$('.button--next').on( 'click', function() {
// next wrapped
$('.button--next-wrapped').on( 'click', function() {
  $carousel.flickity( 'next', true );

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Sizing and positioning


Resize the carousel and re-position cells.

// jQuery
// vanilla JS
$('.button--resize').on( 'click', function() {
  // expand carousel by toggling class
.carousel { width: 50%; }
.carousel.is-expanded { width: 100%; }

.carousel.is-expanded .carousel-cell {
  height: 320px;

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If Flickity is initialized when hidden, like within a tab, trigger resize after it is shown so cells are properly measured and positioned.

$('.button').on( 'click', function() {
    // resize after un-hiding Flickity

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Position cells at selected position. Trigger reposition after the size of a cell has been changed.

// jQuery
// vanilla JS
$carousel.on( 'staticClick', function( event, pointer, cellElement, cellIndex ) {
  if ( !cellElement ) {
  $( cellElement ).toggleClass('is-expanded');

Click cells to toggle size

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Adding and removing cells


Prepend elements and create cells to the beginning of the carousel.

// jQuery
$carousel.flickity( 'prepend', elements )
// vanilla JS
flkty.prepend( elements )

elements jQuery object, Array of Elements, Element, or NodeList

$('.button').on( 'click', function() {
  var $cellElems = $('<div class="carousel-cell">...</div>');
  $carousel.flickity( 'prepend', $cellElems );

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Append elements and create cells to the end of the carousel.

// jQuery
$carousel.flickity( 'append', elements )
// vanilla JS
flkty.append( elements )

elements jQuery object, Array of Elements, Element, or NodeList

$('.button').on( 'click', function() {
  var $cellElems = $('<div class="carousel-cell">...</div>');
  $carousel.flickity( 'append', $cellElems );

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Insert elements into the carousel and create cells.

// jQuery
$carousel.flickity( 'insert', elements, index )
// vanilla JS
flkty.insert( elements, index )

elements jQuery object, Array of Elements, Element, or NodeList

index Integer Zero-based index to insert elements.

$('.button').on( 'click', function() {
  var $cellElems = $('<div class="carousel-cell">...</div>');
  $carousel.flickity( 'insert', $cellElems, 1 );

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Remove cells from carousel and remove elements from DOM.

// jQuery
$carousel.flickity( 'remove', elements )
// vanilla JS
flkty.remove( elements )

elements jQuery object, Array of Elements, Element, or NodeList

$('.carousel').on( 'staticClick', function( event, pointer, cellElement, cellIndex ) {
  if ( cellElement ) {
    $carousel.flickity( 'remove', cellElement );

Click cells to remove

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Control autoPlay behavior.



Starts auto-play.

Setting autoPlay will automatically start auto-play on initialization. You do not need to start auto-play with playPlayer.

// jQuery
// vanilla JS


Stops auto-play and cancels pause.

// jQuery
// vanilla JS


Pauses auto-play.

// jQuery
// vanilla JS


Resumes auto-play if paused.

// jQuery
// vanilla JS



Remove Flickity functionality completely. destroy will return the element back to its pre-initialized state.

// jQuery
// vanilla JS
var $carousel = $('.carousel').flickity();
var isFlickity = true;
// toggle Flickity on/off
$('.button--toggle').on( 'click', function() {
  if ( isFlickity ) {
    // destroy Flickity
  } else {
    // init new Flickity
  isFlickity = !isFlickity;

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Re-collect all cell elements in flickity-slider.

// jQuery
// vanilla JS


Get the elements of the cells.

// jQuery
var cellElements = $carousel.flickity('getCellElements')
// vanilla JS
var cellElements = flkty.getCellElements()

cellElements Array of Elements


Get the Flickity instance from a jQuery object. Flickity instances are useful to access Flickity properties.

var flkty = $('.carousel').data('flickity')
// access Flickity properties
console.log( 'carousel at ' + flkty.selectedIndex )


Get the Flickity instance via its element. Flickity.data() is useful for getting the Flickity instance in JavaScript, after it has been initalized in HTML.

var flkty = Flickity.data( element )

element Element or Selector String

flkty Flickity

<!-- init Flickity in HTML -->
<div class="main-carousel js-flickity">...</div>
// jQuery
// pass in the element, $element[0], not the jQuery object
var flkty = Flickity.data( $('.main-carousel')[0] )
// vanilla JS
var carousel = document.querySelector('.main-carousel')
var flkty = Flickity.data( carousel )
// using a selector string
var flkty = Flickity.data('.main-carousel')


Properties are accessed only on Flickity instances. If you initialized Flickity with jQuery, use .data('flickity') to get the instance.

// init Flickity with jQuery
var $carousel = $('.carousel').flickity();
// get instance
var flkty = $carousel.data('flickity');
// access properties
console.log( flkty.selectedIndex, flkty.selectedElement );


The selected index.



The selected cell element.



The array of cells. Use cells.length for the total number of cells.

// -> array of cells
// -> total number of cells


jQuery event binding

Bind events with jQuery with standard jQuery event methods .on(), .off(), and .one().

// jQuery
function listener(/* parameters */) {
  console.log('eventName happened');
// bind event listener
$carousel.on( 'eventName', listener );
// unbind event listener
$carousel.off( 'eventName', listener );
// bind event listener to trigger once. note ONE not ON
$carousel.one( 'eventName', function() {
  console.log('eventName happened just once');

Vanilla JS event binding

Bind events with vanilla JS with .on(), .off(), and .once() methods.

// vanilla JS
function listener(/* parameters */) {
  console.log('eventName happened');
// bind event listener
flkty.on( 'eventName', listener );
// unbind event listener
flkty.off( 'eventName', listener );
// bind event listener to trigger once. note ONCE not ONE or ON
flkty.once( 'eventName', function() {
  console.log('eventName happened just once');

Events demo

Play around with this carousel to see how events are triggered.

Time Event


Triggered when a cell is selected.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'cellSelect', function() {
  console.log( 'Flickity select ' + flkty.selectedIndex )
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'cellSelect', function() {...})

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Triggered when the slider is settled at its end position.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'settle', function() {
  console.log( 'Flickity settled at ' + flkty.selectedIndex )
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'settle', function() {...})

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Triggered when dragging starts and the slider starts moving.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'dragStart', function( event, pointer ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'dragStart', function( event, pointer ) {...})

event Event Original event object, like mousedown, touchstart, or pointerdown.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

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Triggered when dragging moves and the slider moves.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'dragMove', function( event, pointer, moveVector ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'dragMove', function( event, pointer, moveVector ) {...})

event Event Original event object, like mousemove, touchmove, or pointermove.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

moveVector Object How far the pointer has moved from its start position { x: 20, y: -30 }.

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Triggered when dragging ends.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'dragEnd', function( event, pointer ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'dragEnd', function( event, pointer ) {...})

event Event Original event object, like mouseup, touchend, or pointerup.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

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Triggered when the user's pointer (mouse, touch, pointer) presses down.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'pointerDown', function( event, pointer ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'pointerDown', function( event, pointer ) {...})

event Event Original event object, like mousedown, touchstart, or pointerdown.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

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Triggered when the user's pointer moves.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'pointerMove', function( event, pointer, moveVector ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'pointerMove', function( event, pointer, moveVector ) {...})

event Event Original event object, like mousemove, touchmove, or pointermove.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

moveVector Object How far the pointer has moved from its start position { x: 20, y: -30 }.

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Triggered when the user's pointer unpresses.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'pointerUp', function( event, pointer ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'pointerUp', function( event, pointer ) {...})

event Event Original event object, like mouseup, touchend, or pointerup.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

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Triggered when the user's pointer is pressed and unpressed and has not moved enough to start dragging.

click events are hard to detect with draggable UI, as they are triggered whenever a user drags. Flickity's staticClick event resolves this, as it is triggered when the user has not dragged.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'staticClick', function( event, pointer, cellElement, cellIndex ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'staticClick', function( event, pointer, cellElement, cellIndex ) {...})

event Event Original event object.

pointer Event or Touch The event object that has .pageX and .pageY.

cellElement Element If a cell was clicked, the element.

cellIndex Integer If a cell was clicked, the cell’s zero-based index.

Use the cellElement and cellIndex parameters to detect what cell was clicked.

$carousel.on( 'staticClick', function( event, pointer, cellElement, cellIndex ) {
  // dismiss if cell was not clicked
  if ( !cellElement ) {
  // change cell background with .is-clicked
  $( cellElement ).addClass('is-clicked');
  $logger.text( 'Cell ' + ( cellIndex + 1 )  + ' clicked' );

Click cells


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Triggered after an image has been loaded with lazyLoad.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'lazyLoad', function( event, cellElement ) {...})
// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'lazyLoad', function( event, cellElement ) {...})

event Event Original event object.

cellElement Element The image's cell element.

lazyLoad is triggered on both valid images and broken images. Check event.type to see if the loaded image was loaded with load or error. Use event.target to access the loaded image.

// jQuery
$carousel.on( 'lazyLoad', function( event, cellElement ) {
  var img = event.originalEvent.target;
  console.log( event.originalEvent.type, img.src );
  // load or error on src

// vanilla JS
flkty.on( 'lazyLoad', function( event, cellElement ) {
  var img = event.target;
  console.log( event.type, img.src );

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